Keep a diary and one day it’ll keep you

—Mae West
Nov 2024

Following on from running Kick Start Your Novel for Mascot Library patrons, I will be following up with an author talk about my crime novel Ex. You can book your place here

Nov 2024

Considering my debut book-birthing experience was during COVID, I'm constantly having to pinch myself with the events I've got lined up for Ex. Alexandra Larach of Sisters in Crime will be launching Ex into the Sydney nightlife of Newtown at Better Read Than Dead and I can hardly wait. You can book a spot here.

Oct 2024

Here's my first booked author talk event following publication day for Ex. Launch events in the Hunter Valley and Sydney to follow! You can book here

Oct 2024

A session for those who may not have any writing underway and are seeking a way ‘in’. It covers all the building blocks of a novel: character, dialogue, setting and plot. Each segment has fun exercises designed to stimulate the thinking of participants about how these areas work, providing them some writing tools with which to develop their own work.

More information can be found on the Berry Writers Festival website

Oct 2024

Mascot Library will be hosting a longer course session of Kick Start Your Novel over two consecutive Saturdays. Each session will be run from 9.30am - 11.30am on Saturday the 12th and 19th of October.
The event is free, but make sure you reserve your place here.  And you might want to reserve a spot for the author talk at the same time! You can do that here

Sep 2024

I'm so pleased with how these turned out. Another great job by Your Print Guys. I'm so looking forward to giving these away with my books. They will also be available at as many bookshops as I can get to.

Aug 2024

And quite a lot of work to do yet, being my own publicist, designer, media manager, coordinator and chief dog washer! The time will fly by.

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